Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Katlynn Marina

Monday we headed out for Sodus Bay.  We optimistically raised the mainsail, but only actually sailed for about half an hour.  The wind was very light, and too far forward to use the spinnaker, so we motor sailed all the way to Sodus Bay. Unfortunately, the club was hosting a LYRA regatta, and was full, so once again, we stayed at a marina - Katlynn Marina - just west of the Sodus Bay Yacht Club.
Protective mother 
The marina facilities are beautiful and air conditioned, so once again I did laundry.  They have an interesting building access card system.  They put the access info onto any card you have with a mag stripe.  I used my Air Miles card.  Unfortunately, the system didn't work that well, and while we could use the card before dinner, it never worked later in the evening.  Very frustrating.
We were hoping to have dinner at the Bay Street Inn, but they are closed Mondays and Tuesdays, like so many restaurant facilities.  Monday we ate at Captain Jack's, and Tuesday, we headed over to the yacht club, which had their bar menu available until 7:00.  We ran into Terry and Nancy (Mi Vida Loca), from QCYC.  We had seen their boat on a mooring ball when we arrived.  Nancy told us their engine had failed a couple of days earlier, so they sailed overnight from Sacket's Harbour, and picked up a ball at SBYC.  A mechanic had a look, and thought they probably needed to replace the engine.  They were planning to leave Sodus Bay on Wednesday, hoping to sail back to QCYC or Whitby.  With no wind forecast for Wednesday, I think they were going to be in for a long couple of days.