Friday, October 29, 2021

New club, new cradle, new haulout process

With a new place to moor the boat comes a whole new process for hauling and launching boats.  LSYC brings in a couple of cranes and several trucks, and pulls all the boats over two days.  Masts had been taken down the weekend before, in what can only be described as an extremely efficient process.

We ordered a new folding cradle, with feet welded to the bottom, and armed with spray paint and templates for boat name, BOW and STERN, labelled the cradle so there would be no confusion.  The process relies on volunteers to help and the club provides meals, snacks and drinks to keep us going through the long days in the yard.

I must say, though, that as weird as it was to ride the railway at Queen City, is it really freaky to see your boat flying through the air held up by a couple of straps!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Sailpast at LSYC

Just before the end of the sailing season, Lakeshore YC celebreated Sailpast.  Unfortunately, it was quite windy, so we didn't actually sail past.  The commodore reviewed the fleet from the docks and we got a grab bag of goodies to celebrate the club's 30th anniversary.

Friday, September 03, 2021

Peter Ashby

As were enjoying breakfast at QCYC before heading home from our mini-cruise, we heard on CBC Radio, that Peter Ashby, a long time member of Queen City had gone missing the previous day.  His boat, Resolute, had been found near the Burlington lift bridge overnight, with no one aboard.  

Peter was a very experienced sailor and often single-handed his boat.

Our hearts go out to his wife and children, and we pray that he is found soon.

Thursday, September 02, 2021

The best laid plans

Our plan had been to cruise to the Highland Yacht Club, head over to Whitby to see Ed's sister, then make a stop at Ashbridges Bay on the way home.  The best laid plans....

We enjoyed a great visit at the Highland Yacht Club, with dinner at Catherdral Bluffs YC.  As we left the harbour to head further east, the wind and waves from the east would have made for a very uncomfortable several hours.  Another day at HYC it is.  

Then we arrived at Ashbridges Bay YC to find a boat in the slip we had reserved, and no one available to help.  Again we changed plans and headed to Queen City just as the winds were picking up, for a quiet night in a familiar place.  

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Cruising to National Yacht Club

Our first cruise with LSYC was to the National Yacht Club.  As it is so close to Queen City, we had never been there by boat, although I had visited often during the winters because QCYC held our winter board meetings at NYC.  

Being just off the Western Gap into Toronto Harbour, it certainly is a little busier than either QCYC or LSYC, but is a very short walk to amenities.  This was one of our first opportunities to actually socialize with some members of LSYC, and it was an easy sail back and forth.

Upon our return to LSYC, a visiting boat was still in our slip.  We met Bruce, who had sailed on Prime Interest in Florida, with original owners Harry and Mandy.  Small world.

Sunday, August 15, 2021


During the Covid lockdowns, with not much to do, I started volunteering with GlobalMedic, an organization which provides disaster relief internationally, and also supports local food banks and shelters.  

Several of the volunteers are there daily, and I got to know Dominique and Gerard, who came out for a sail with us and Marysia one day.  

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

West End mini cruise 2021

QCYC had a reciprocal cruise planned for the August long weekend to Royal Hamilton YC.  While we couldn't stay at RHYC, we got a mooring at the Harbour West Marina, and joined QCYC for their pot luck get togethers.  Hamilton is a great place to spend a couple of days and we walked around town, and even made the VERY long trek to the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington!

The St. Lawrence II, a sail training vessel from Kingston, was moored near us at HWM and we got a great view of some of the trainees up in the rigging.

We followed up with a night at the Dalhousie Yacht Club before heading back home.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

QCYC Sailpast 2021

Sailpast at QCYC is always a fun tradition.  Because we hadn't launched in 2020, I had not had the opportunity to sail past with my 'Past Commodore' burgee.  Covid restrictions and the delayed launch required a modified event.  

We celebrated on July 24, rather than the Victoria Day weekend, and had an outdoor take-out dinner instead of the usual indoor banquet, but it was great to spend the weekend with friends, and join the other Past Commodores in the salute to Commodore Ron Mazza. 

Sunday, July 04, 2021

The convenience of mooring close to home

Our first sail of the season was a great example of how convenient it is to have the boat close to home.  We walked down to the club, sailed for 75 minutes, and were home for lunch!

While Covid restrictions limited any social functions at the club, and masks were required in most places, we enjoyed having a few guests aboard to share our new home on the water.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

Over the winter we made the decision to move the boat to the Lakeshore Yacht Club, which is walking distance from our home in New Toronto.  Now that we are no longer working downtown and the commute by transit much longer than before, the trip to the island was becoming quite expensive and much less convenient.  We were surprised that we were able to get a mooring for the current sailing season, and I had to cut short my role as Past Commodore on the QCYC board.

It was a little sad to be leaving Queen City after 15 year, but we were looking forward to a new adventure.

We had quite a load atop the boat as we motored our way to LSYC. It's always amazing how much stuff one accumulates over the years, particularly with a convenient locker in which to store it all.  Sails, winter cover and frame, ladders, tools and various odds and ends - it all had to be moved.  Luckily we had a calm day with an easy motor to our new home.  Lakeshore had not yet stepped masts, so our boat was easy to spot.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Better Late than Never

Last ride down the railway
With waves of Covid-19 infection continuing, and vaccines only just becoming available, launch at QCYC was delayed until mid May and was conducted by a small dedicated team of experienced members using portable winches.  

I attended several days to drive the winch.

Prime Interest
was launched on May 22, 2021, and the mast stepped a few days later.  We took the opportunity to do a little work on the teak toe-rail to get the boat looking her best for the season ahead.