Saturday, September 25, 2021

Sailpast at LSYC

Just before the end of the sailing season, Lakeshore YC celebreated Sailpast.  Unfortunately, it was quite windy, so we didn't actually sail past.  The commodore reviewed the fleet from the docks and we got a grab bag of goodies to celebrate the club's 30th anniversary.

Friday, September 03, 2021

Peter Ashby

As were enjoying breakfast at QCYC before heading home from our mini-cruise, we heard on CBC Radio, that Peter Ashby, a long time member of Queen City had gone missing the previous day.  His boat, Resolute, had been found near the Burlington lift bridge overnight, with no one aboard.  

Peter was a very experienced sailor and often single-handed his boat.

Our hearts go out to his wife and children, and we pray that he is found soon.

Thursday, September 02, 2021

The best laid plans

Our plan had been to cruise to the Highland Yacht Club, head over to Whitby to see Ed's sister, then make a stop at Ashbridges Bay on the way home.  The best laid plans....

We enjoyed a great visit at the Highland Yacht Club, with dinner at Catherdral Bluffs YC.  As we left the harbour to head further east, the wind and waves from the east would have made for a very uncomfortable several hours.  Another day at HYC it is.  

Then we arrived at Ashbridges Bay YC to find a boat in the slip we had reserved, and no one available to help.  Again we changed plans and headed to Queen City just as the winds were picking up, for a quiet night in a familiar place.