Saturday, July 24, 2021

QCYC Sailpast 2021

Sailpast at QCYC is always a fun tradition.  Because we hadn't launched in 2020, I had not had the opportunity to sail past with my 'Past Commodore' burgee.  Covid restrictions and the delayed launch required a modified event.  

We celebrated on July 24, rather than the Victoria Day weekend, and had an outdoor take-out dinner instead of the usual indoor banquet, but it was great to spend the weekend with friends, and join the other Past Commodores in the salute to Commodore Ron Mazza. 

Sunday, July 04, 2021

The convenience of mooring close to home

Our first sail of the season was a great example of how convenient it is to have the boat close to home.  We walked down to the club, sailed for 75 minutes, and were home for lunch!

While Covid restrictions limited any social functions at the club, and masks were required in most places, we enjoyed having a few guests aboard to share our new home on the water.