Thursday, July 19, 2018

Planes, trains and automobiles

We started the day with glassy water and no wind.  We motored until we got to the east end of the the County.  Then between there and Amherst Island the wind finally kicked in.  We sailed with the headsail for a little while, but then raised the spinnaker again, and had a great sail to within a couple of miles of Collins Bay.

We've never been here before, usually opting to go into downtown Kingston.  Our friends Keith and Madeleine of Elan like it here, and we thought we'd give it a try.  

It is a lovely spot, beautiful grounds, well protected, but.....

Just on the other side of the bay to the north is a road, and a busy railway.  We saw at least a dozen VIA and freight trains go by this afternoon. They aren't loud, but their whistles are, as there must be a level crossing close by.  Just to the south, there is the Kingston Airport.  The small planes weren't bad, but a few bigger Air Canada planes gave me a scare.  A couple of helicopters rounded out the excitement.  We were told the trains stop after 7:00pm, but heard them until after 10:0pm. We did have a good night's sleep though.