Saturday, May 13, 2017

And the water keeps rising

We thought there was a lot of water last week, but the water levels have done nothing but rise.  The entire length of the railway is flooded, and is quite deep at the south gate path.  The mast area is completely flooded, and the lake is close to breaching the sea wall in a few places.

For now, we have been able to get the water out of the clubhouse by piling sandbags all around it, and pumping the water out from under the clubhouse.  If the lake breaches the seawall, this will no longer be an option.  The flow of water has caused erosion and collapse of patio stones in a couple of areas in front of the clubhouse. 

It is no longer possible to get around the club without tall rubber boots.  There are a few areas of higher land, but they are surrounded by water.  It's all really very overwhelming.  It gives us a new appreciation of the news footage we see of flood areas.