Friday, August 03, 2012

Scarborough Bluffs

Another calm day with flat water.  Motored all the way to Scarborough Bluffs.  It was a short trip, so along the way, we took some time to measure the deviation on our compass.  This helps determine the difference between a true course (as plotted on a chart) and the magnetic course (that you steer at the helm).  We did this by steering courses from 010 degrees through 360 degrees - basically making a large circle.  At each 10 degree mark, Ed would hold the compass course for a couple of minutes, and I would record our true course based on GPS reading.  When we approached the Bluffs area, we called the Catherdral Bluffs Yacht Club, but they were unsure whether they'd have space.  Instead, Ed and I went to Highland Yacht Club.  Lovely little club, with great wifi.  David and Linda on Dalina were docked here, but left a short time after we arrived.  We called home to warn the girls we'd be home soon, and then QCYC to make sure our slip would be available tomorrow.  We gave the boat a good scrub, so that she'd be beautiful upon her return to QCYC.