Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sodus Point

As we were leaving Rochster, someone called out to Ed.  Turns out it was someone he knows from work.   Dan on Solitude was also heading towards Sodus Bay, and arrived at the Sodus Bay Yacht Club about the same time we did.  This was my first time docking the boat outside of our home club, and in all the excitement, I didn't check the Sodus Bay chart, and hit ground before we got to the club.  No harm done - just embarassing.  After dinner, Dan, Tina and Hannah, along with Watson (named after the IBM computer on Jeopardy) came by for a visit.  Danno is a Waterloo BMath 1984, so he was there when Ed and I were, and now works for IBM, with big banks as clients.  Tina works at TD.  What a small world. Solitude is also heading eastbound, so maybe we'll run into them again on this trip.

On Tuesday, we enjoyed a lovely stay in Sodus while the winds howled.  Quiescence, from National Yacht Club came in and moored beside us.  After dinner we had a nice visit with Kim and Cathy, who are on their way back to Toronto after almost a month of cruising.  We've seen the boat at QCYC in the past, and will look out for them this fall.