Sodus Bay
Sometimes I feel like all we do is drive around the lake. We had a bit of a sail to Sodus Bay, but mostly, the engine was on. Sodus is a beautiful place. Every time we're here, I look for real estate. We had an uncomfortably breezy night, which carried on until the next day. While we were taking our usual 'we were here' photo, a woman came by and offered to take one of both of us. We got chatting, and she recommended a good place for dinner. Our walk took us past the Lighthouse Museum. Really cute, and you can see a long way from the top. We walked past the Bay Street Hotel, the recommended restaurant where we would have dinner, and as we were warned, it doesn't look like much. When you look in the window, you see a bar and pool table, but we were game to try the place. Dinner was amazing. The chef cooks here in the summer, and spends the winter cooking in Key West. Chef Ramsey would have a field day with the décor in this place, but the food really was good.