We left Whitby on Sunday with no wind, and motored for the first few hours until the wind filled in a bit, and we were close enough to Cobourg that sailing was actually an option. The beach was packed with people, as it was a pretty warm day, although it had been cool on the water.
The forecast was for high winds on Monday, so we planned to stay put. Good thing. Overnight, the wind really picked up, and the boat was rocking like crazy.
The Lake Ontario 300 race was going this weekend, so we were keeping tabs on the six QCYC boats in the race. All our boats were on the 'short' course to Scotch Bonnet. On Monday, three boats retired from the race. I'm guessing that at least a couple of them had something break, as they were most of the way through the race by that point. Cobourg was also the last stop for five other boats doing the Main Duck course which retired. Some of them looked like serious racing craft with full crews, so it really must have been uncomfortable out there.
Later in the afternoon, who came into the marina but Ted on Comus. Ted turned 92 in May, and still single-hands his boat - even in the kind of weather we had on Monday!