We finished our cruising vacation this year at Frenchman's Bay in Pickering. What a gem! We've never been here, because the water levels have sometimes been an issue in the Bay. This year, though, QCYC arranged a cruise to Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club. The city of Pickering completed a new entrance channel to the bay this spring, and FBYC has dredged the approach channel to their club.
With only 8 miles to go from Whitby to Frenchman's Bay, we arrived very early in the afternoon, and were able to help other arriving QCYC boats dock in the windy bay. Halszka, the cruise organizer, had planned a pot luck happy hour once everyone had arrived. Later, a group of us went across the bay to the Waterfront Restaurant for dinner. One group opted to take their dinghy, but the rest of us arrived by taxi.
Later a line of storms blew through. The sky got dark, and the rain poured for a little while - just as Ed was barbequing dinner. The weather wasn't quite as bad as in Toronto. but still pretty dramatic.