Thursday, July 23, 2015
"We have no depth"
With no wind, we motored from Wilson to Oak Orchard, arriving early in the afternoon. When Ed called the 4C's marina, where we've always stayed, he was told they could no longer take sailboats as they have no depth, and we should call Lake Breeze Marina. We wondered what could have happened to the depth at the docks in the creek - maybe heavy silting. In hindsight, they may have said that they have no docks. 4Cs was purchased last year by the same guy who bought Lake Breeze Marina earlier that year.
When we checked in at the office, we asked whether the 1-lane bridge just south of the marina had been repaired. It was gone last year, and there are apparently no plans to replace it. That's too bad, since we took that road when we went to Brown's Berry Patch for fruit and ice cream. Well, it turns out that Brown's has closed their retail operation, and now just have their commercial orchards.
We did take a short walk to see which night concerts were held in the county park down the road. Tuesday - no music for us tonight. We saw a sign for the Point Breeze Yacht Club, which I didn't remember being there. We walked down to the docks and chatted with a woman on her sailboat. Turns out she is the commodore of the PBYC. They had moved their moorings from further up the river, to the moorings at the county park. This might be an option for us some other time, since they have lots of docks before the bridge.