Sunday, August 03, 2014
QCYC Cruise to Niagara-on-the-Lake Sailing Club
We arrived at NOLSC on Friday evening, along with a handful of other QCYC boats. The rest of the cruisers arrived on Saturday, most of them having motored due to lack of wind. First thing in the morning, Eriks from Wild Jasmine came by with our 125th anniversary burgee, which had finally arrived when we were on vacation, and we had a visit aboard with Eriks and Jacqui. We enjoyed a walk through town, and I managed to get a bunch of laundry done before most boats arrived. In the afternoon, we had drinks at the tiki bar on the deck near our boat before joining all the cruisers for a potluck cocktail party before dinner. In fact, with so many snacks, Ed and I didn't bother with dinner, and had a quiet evening.
On Sunday, since we were finished breakfast early, we went to mass at St. Vincent de Paul Church, right near the yacht club. It's a nice little church. Later in the afternoon, we spent a little money at the art show near the light house, and met with the cruisers for a pint at The Olde Angel Inn just off the main street. We enjoyed an excellent dinner at Corks Winebar and Eatery with Jacqui and Eriks, and finished the evening with a little rum tasting.