We left CFB Trenton YC, and with absolutely no wind, we once again motored all the way to Cobourg. We had to slow down a couple of times, reverse the engine, and do all sorts of circles, to get rid of the weeds we picked up in the Bay of Quinte and Presqu`ile Bay, and were dragging on our rudder. The Murray Canal had a number of weed mats floating right across, that we had no choice but to power through. You`d think someone could keep those few kilometers of channel clear. Cobourg Marina was busy, so we tied up to the north wall, with no water or power. Just behind us docked an Island Packet 38. Ed met Nigel and Patricia on Dancing Brolga, from the Lakeshore Yacht Club, and invited them aboard. Then we got to tour the IP. Beautiful boat, and huge compared to ours. We went for dinner at Oasis Bar & Grill, and invited Nigel and Patricia to join us. It poured rain overnight, and into the morning, so we decided to stay put for another day. A dock opened up once the rain stopped, when a group of Americans on power boats headed out. A couple of them ended up returning, because conditions were apparently pretty rough on the lake.