I need some measurements to modify an existing wooden cradle to hold Prime Interest. Hopefully a LF38 might be on-the-hard someplace and the owner being able to help me out.
I'm starting off with a cradle that has to be modified to widen the aft uprights to handle the 12'0" beam. There are 2"x8" beams acting as bow and aft cross-supports so the primary concern is that they may be too high - too low is OK as we can always add some wedges. To appreciate the design take a look at the link below.
I need to verify the height of the bow support ( height 'D' above ) and the aft support which should be approximately 2 feet rear of the keel ( height 'A' ). The length of the keel ( 'B' and 'C' ) is important to verify the relative positions of the hull supports and overall length of the structure.
Also, I'll need to verify the width ( thickness ) of the keel at the widest point.
Here's a description of the end product - http://www.qcyc.ca/members/yard/Marine_Railway_Cradles.pdf