Lucie and Zaza |
My cousin Elizabeth (Zaza) is visiting from France. Her daughter Lucie moved here a few years ago, so we get to see Zaza more often now. Zaza's last summer visit was 4 years ago, when we had an unusual fog roll in while we were on the water. Sunday was hot, humid and cloudy with a brisk wind, and we watched the weather as we headed out for a sail.
Emily, Lucie, and Zaza each took a turn at the helm before we headed back to the club. After a little refreshment, we took a break from the heat by taking a walk along the boardwalk on the lake side of the island, where the wind was welcome.
When we had been returning to the club after our sail, we had seen a boat coming in behind us dragging its mast. Our friend Andrew, of Serica, had been out on the lake when the damaged boat crashed into another and lost its mast. He snapped a photo just after the accident and stayed in the area until the police boat came out to offer assistance.
The August long weekend was another scorcher. The club had a cruise to 50 Point YC, but we didn't sign up for this one. Instead we stayed at QCYC and looked after some club chores. On Sunday morning, a visiting boat couldn't get the engine started. Ed and Paul worked in the heat to try to get it going without success, so Paul towed Paprika out the Eastern Gap, then went for a sail. When he returned, Paul confirmed that the breeze was blowing on the lake, although it was quite calm at our dock. Late in the afternoon, we dropped our lines, left the power cord on shore and headed off for a sail.
The wind was wonderful after the hot sticky weather at the club. We were heading west, and after about a while, got talking about continuing on to the Lakeshore Yacht Club. Ed called ahead, and we were assigned a slip. We've never been to LSYC by boat, and with few landmarks, weren't quite sure what to look for on shore, but made it there just fine.
After checking in, the officer of the day was showing us around, and who was having dinner but Andrea of Paprika. She invited us to join her and her friends for dinner. They had mostly finished, but we got our burgers and veggies onto the club bbqs and joined them for an evening of good company. At the end of the evening, Andrea introduced us to LSYC's 'Polish Navy' and invited us to join them for Polish Day on Aug 25.
Monday morning, we took an easy 30 minute walk to the house on Third St. to check on the renovations. The framing for the addition is mostly done, with the crew working on the roof. Very exciting.