Sunday, August 28, 2016

Cruising to BPYC

QCYC's second cruise of the season was to Bluffer's Park Yacht Club.  We've been to the Bluffs before, but never to this club.
We left on Saturday morning expecting to motor the short distance to Scarborough, but found enough wind to sail (slowly) for a couple of hours.  At some point, though, the engine came back on so we could get through the last couple of miles.

We were met by a couple of members who helped us tie up, then found us a slip rather than leaving us on the visitor's wall.  One fellow, on Hayat, had been at QCYC docked near us a couple of weeks ago.  We recognized him by his distinctive Dutch accent - just like listening to Ed's dad.  He showed us around the lovely club, and stayed around to help others coming in throughout the afternoon.

The crowd got together in the air conditioned clubhouse for appetizers, and then took the party outside as the weather cooled off.  It was JC's birthday, so cake was the order of the day.  With so many great apps, we didn't even bother with dinner, but enjoyed visiting with friends.

Ed and I were off for another commitment on Sunday afternoon, so headed back home just as the others were gathering for breakfast.  We did motor on the way home, but I think those who left later probably had a good sail back. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Famous visitors in Toronto

We've had some high profile visitors in Toronto recently.  
The Picton Castle, subject of the Tall Ship Chronicles, has been docked near Cherry Street for the last couple of weeks.
Today when we were getting ready to go for a sail with Mary and Vincent, we noticed that the Picton Castle's tender was docked right beside us! Unfortunately, we weren't there to meet the crew.

The King of Norway is also in town aboard his yacht KS Norge.  Apparently he is here to race his 8 meter sailboat, which was delivered aboard the big boat.  

Battle of the banks

On Wednesday, Ed invited some friends from work for a sail.  Doug and John had come out for a sail last season, but it was Mary Beth's first outing.  We had a good south wind, and were able to make good speed with only the headsail.

We had invited Mary and her husband Vincent for Saturday, but the weather had been quite stormy, so we changed plans to Sunday.  Mary retired from Scotiabank last year and has been busy cruising and travelling, so we were glad they were able to find some time to come sailing this summer.

Saturday, August 06, 2016

2016 Women Skippers Race

Ed, Genia, Louise, Moira
We picked up a couple of last minute crew for this year's WSR.  Moira and Louise were great crew, and very patient with me.  The weather was beautiful, and the wind started a little more brisk than I would like, but ended very fluky when heading back north through the eastern gap.  I almost gave up and started to engine, but waited out the calm spot and finished the race.

Coming back into the lagoon, a bunch of water taxis were lined up to drop off passengers near the ferry dock.  One taxi didn't look before heading toward the wall, and cut me off.  I went into reverse, Ed hollered at the taxi, and a collision was avoided.  Very unnerving, though.

Monday, August 01, 2016

QCYC cruises to Youngstown

We were again able to finish our vacation by joining a QCYC weekend cruise.  This year, Paul organized a cruise to the US, and had even arranged both US and Canadian customs officers give a seminar at the club earlier in the season.

Ed and I had a short trip from Wilson, most of it under power, as we had little wind.  By the time we got to the Niagara river, though, the wind had picked up.  We knew that the forecast was for high winds and were glad to be at Youngstown early.  It also gave us a chance to pick up some supplies for the arriving cruisers.

Paul, Kim, Will, Bev, Ken, Deanna,
Stephanie, Chris, Steve, Dawn, Ed, Genia
The QCYC group started showing up in the early afternoon, and we were there along with harbourmaster Walter to help them dock.  It had been a very difficult crossing, with high winds, big waves, sea sickness and ripped sails, and two boats had turned back part way into the trip.  Then to add insult to injury, a couple of boats were turned back by border security.  Apparently Youngstown is not a port of entry for those travelling without a Canadian passport.  The rules are very confusing.  Once everyone was settled, we got together for appetizers, cards and bocce, then dinner on the bbq.   

Sunday morning was rainy, but the afternoon was beautiful.  Ed and I took the free 'Discover Niagara' shuttle into Niagara Falls and spent some time at the casino, and went to see the falls on the American side.  A quick swim and dinner at the Youngstown Yacht Club rounded out the weekend.  We had a great sail back to Toronto on Monday, and only had to motor for the last few miles when the wind died down.  Nice to be home.