Since we got the boat and cradle ready for haul out a couple of weeks ago, we took the opportunity to take a road trip to the US Boat Show in Annapolis, Maryland. We left Friday morning and 10 hours later, arrived in Annapolis. Saturday, we ran into a bunch of people from QCYC who had also made the trip, and joined them at Pusser's for their famous Painkillers (not me - designated driver), and dinner at Phillip's Crab Shack.
The boat show was great with an opportunity to see boats we'd never see here in Toronto. I finally got to see a Morris Ocean series 46, but didn't actually like the interior layout. With a base price of over $1 million, it's probably customizable. My favourite was the Outbound 46, and at about $600,000, it seemed very reasonably priced compared to some of the boats we saw.
David |
On Sunday, we had breakfast at Chick & Ruth's Delly, a place with lots of character, where I had an amazing crab omelette. We wanted to tour the US Naval Academy in town, but didn't have our passports with us, which were required id for foreigners. Later in the afternoon, David picked us up in his dinghy, and brought us and a few other QCYC folks over to his boat Anahata, anchored in Back Creek. We had seen David during our cruise this summer, and he is now on his way south, before sailing off into the sunset. We've added a link to his blog, Floating Classroom. While Ed and David sorted out some electrical problems, the rest of us lounged around in the cockpit. Dinner with David was at a local place - Davis Pub - which had been featured on an episode of triple D. A bit of a change from the traditional Thanksgiving turkey, but what a great trip.