Approx 43.62 N 079.35 W |
Over the last 2 weeks, we've been on the water both north and south of home - and both places were warmer than Toronto, where we've had a long harsh winter, and the harbour is still frozen over.
Approx 64.17 N 021.84 W |
In Reykjavik, Iceland we went out on Andrea (on the North Atlantic, at night, in February) just far enough from town to get away from the lights of the city, in search of the Aurora Borealis. We saw an arch of light in the sky, but not what you'd really think of as Northern Lights. Iceland was a fascinating mix of the modern urban, and barren expanses outside of town. I'd love to go back in the summer, and maybe go for a real sail out of the Brokey Yacht Club. We did see a few boats docked at the club with their sails still on, and one which looked like someone preparing for a serious expedition.
Approx 22.65 N 079.13 W |
We were home for 36 hours - just long enough to switch luggage, and see Matt Andersen in concert - then headed off to Cuba where we sat on a beach for a week at the Playa Cayo Santa Maria. In addition to a few outings on the Hobie Cats at the resort, we went out on a BIG cat, Centauro, for a day of snorkelling and a "dolphin interaction". We did actually sail for about 15 minutes, but the winds were pretty light, and the engine came back on pretty soon.